

Gorter roof hatches with scissor stairs provide practical and safe access to flat roofs for maintenance work or other purposes. The roof hatch can be installed on flat roofs with a maximum slope of 30°.


Access to lift machine rooms

The Gorter combination of roof hatch and type XL scissor stair was developed in part to reach higher lift machine rooms and utility rooms. The scissor stair is supplied with an Aboma certificate for access to (lift) machine rooms in accordance with EN-ISO 14122-3. The wide stair treads (480 mm) and larger roof hatch with an opening of 1,000 x 1,500 mm simplify taking materials to upper areas/roof.


Scissor stair ensures free space under the roof hatch

Roof hatches combined with a scissor stair are ideal for applications where occasional but also frequent access to the roof is required. When the scissor stair is folded, you always have free space under the hatch.


New generation Gorter RHT roof hatch

The new generation RHT roof hatches feature an extremely strong and patented construction. Thanks to several modifications, the roof hatch is even more resistant against unexpected extreme loads, both during construction and in general use.


Improved features and functionalities of the indestructible and sustainable RHT roof hatch:

  • Made and Designed in Holland
  • New and improved, patented indestructible construction
  • Trusted, with CE(ETA) certification
  • Now available directly from stock in sizes up to 1000 x 3000 mm
  • Fully standardised to metric dimensioning


Fully thermally broken

The Gorter RHT roof hatch has a fully thermally broken curb and cover, and a proven high insulation value of Uw ≤ 0.276 W/(m².K) This minimises the chance of condensation forming and guarantees energy cost savings.


Gorter RHT roof hatch with XL scissor stair for, among others, lift and machine rooms:

  • Roof hatch is CE (ETA-15/338), TÜV NORD and Aboma certified, with fully thermally broken curb and cover
  • Scissor stair with Aboma certificate for access to (lift) machine rooms (EN-ISO 14122-3)
  • Roof hatch safe operation with one hand
  • Safe grip all the way to the roof
  • 10-year warranty on the roof hatch, 1 year on climbing devices

  • Roof hatch with optional electric control
  • High-quality aluminium construction of roof hatch and scissor stair
  • Euro cylinder lock with indoor and outdoor operation
  • Burglar- and sound-proof roof hatch
  • Fast delivery


Scissor stair extension for plenum

The type XL scissor stair can be used with an extension of scissor stair to bridge a plenum (= space between suspended ceiling and roof).


Read more about the advantages of Gorter roof hatches here

Gorter roof hatch advantages
  • advantages ceMaximum performance and ETA
  • advantages ceThermally insulated construction
  • advantages ceComplete with ladder or stairs
See all advantages roof hatch
